Construction Process:
- Constructor and investors discuss together about construction time, building materials, payment terms, relevant information…
- Send quotation, contract form, appendix,.. to investors.
- Specific agreement on construction time, the responsibilities of the parties
- Sign contracts.
- Contract implement
- Complete and terminate the construction contract.
- Do warranty after finishing construction.
Cost of construction contract:
- Cost of working-hour contract: according to labor costs over 1m2 floor, from 850,000 dong to 1,000,000 dong.
- Cost of working-hour & materials contract: 3,000,000 – 3,400,000 dong/m2 floor. Construction costs for each customer are not same because of the complexity of the work.
- Cost of Turnkey contract: from 5.000.000 dong/m2 floor depends on the complexity of each project.