The colors and its meaning (continue)

7. Black

As a color always brings mystery but elegance. In life, black is always attractive, charismatic and extremely mysterious. It has the ability to cover all the bad, not the good of all people.


Black is also a symbol of evil, the forces of evil, darkness. If you see this life is a movie, the black is the villain. When I see black people just feel afraid, just feel tempted stimulate curiosity.

In real life, people do not much like black. But those who prefer to use black abound. Because in the modern conception, the new black is a symbol of wealth and power.

Black is the color of mystery, endless passion. As the colors of the night mysterious depths of the ocean, the vast universe, black brings boundless power source, endless space and the relentless passion. Like purple, black should be used in small vignettes, simple. Do not use black in the bedroom and children’s room.

8. Pink:

The color of love and romance. Anything that brings all very beautiful pink. In modern life, the son can use the colors were previously only available to girls as red, yellow, orange … the color pink is still special.


It is almost a color name for girls, for what most gentle. Pink always brings floating, magical, beautiful and not real.

Those who prefer pink romantic life. They see life as a novel, a movie. They are fragile, weak, easy to stumble but also to stand up.

Because the life they always nice, always carry a pink. And so faith in their lives also extremely large.

Pink of the solemn, quiet, loving. Pink is the color to evoke love in the morning full of dreamers, it is considered the perfect color for any space of your home. Pink felt its gentle soothes all capable of anger, calm down and feel loved. Homeowners can use pink from the bedroom to the board room, the laundry is.

9. White

Everything starts from white. That is the beginning, the first things the most. Also maybe because white is also a symbol of innocence, purity, pure and simple. Although white anywhere can cause a lot of sympathy for people.


But also because this is a simple color too. So sometimes it feels lonely and failure. During the war the white flag means surrender.

People who like white merchants who have rich interior. In other words, rather than introverts. The spirit world was innocent, pure and fragile. but very difficult to penetrate.

The color of innocence, bright, new beginning. We can say, is pure white color is quite popular favored in the walls of houses, offices and other public buildings. This gentle colors can be used alone or in combination with the color brings the element of fire and other countries such as red, orange, purple, black.

10. Brown 


The color of power, platform stability. Recently, according to feng shui, color is brown gained widespread use. With the ability to foster good energy, warm, brown is widely used in Bagua, auxiliary gas well in the east (health), south east (money), south (fame).

11. Gray


Color of clarity, objectivity and neutrality. Many people often think that, as brought to the gray dreary, boring, lifeless. However, in feng shui and art, gray can be used in any space of your home. Moreover, it is quite luxurious in design furniture smart. In Bagua, the gray color will attract good energy if used in the west (increasing creativity), northwest (up charity), north (auxiliary map).

12. Orange


Color of confidence, sociable, social. If you think red is too strong for use in the home or office, use orange instead. Orange color commonly called “social” because it creates the feng shui energy needed to promote more conversation lively and create new life for your house. Orange also remind you of summer dreams vibrant and bright spots coming from a warm fire.

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