Buy-Side vs Sell-Side Analysts: Whats the Difference?

Buy-side analysts can become investment strategists, who develop and communicate the firm’s overall investment strategy and market outlook to clients. People always focus on the fact that the ceiling is much higher in buy-side roles since you may capture some of the upside in deals or investments that perform well. In sell-side roles, most of the stress comes from responding to clients and buy-side vs sell-side other bankers and juggling the pitches, ongoing deals, and “random requests” that come in. So, you’ll still value companies in a role like equity research or at a long/short equity hedge fund, but these will often be “quick valuations” to take advantage of a certain market move or company update. On the second point – “misfits” – corporate finance professionals at normal companies do not raise or invest money and do not charge commissions.

  • Intrigued by the prospect, the portfolio manager may invest in the company, thereby directing capital from the buy-side to the sell-side.
  • Buy side and sell side are like two faces of the financial and capital markets coin, but there are some key differences between the two.
  • On the other hand, people who operate on this side simply have to worry about the value they create and the results of their investments.
  • Understanding these differences can help navigate career paths or leverage their insights effectively.
  • You see this especially with the large, multi-manager hedge funds and private equity mega-funds, but it happens even at smaller/newer places.
  • Buy-side analysts can specialize in private equity, conducting due diligence and analysis on potential investments in private companies.

Buy-side Vs. Sell-Side: Firm Structure

By contrast, you could get promoted to the mid-levels in banking if you’re a good “project manager” and haven’t necessarily proven your ability to win clients or deals. If you stay in the industry for, say, years, and you get promoted into a senior position at a firm that performs well, you’ll almost certainly earn more in many buy-side roles. On average, you will work the longest hours in “Deal” roles because more work, documents, and deliverables are required to close large deals involving entire companies. But the compensation ceiling is higher than in sell-side roles because prop traders can use strategies that traders at banks cannot and are more lightly regulated. Within an industry like commercial real estate, a real estate brokerage is a sell-side firm since it charges a commission on the property sales it facilitates. But everyone from headhunters to bankers to interviewers uses the terms “buy-side” and “sell-side,” and most people put themselves in one category or the other.

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buy-side vs sell-side

You see this especially with the large, multi-manager hedge funds and private equity mega-funds, but it happens even at smaller/newer places. Something like private banking is also in this “Grey Zone” because private bankers invest on their clients’ behalf, but they typically charge fees based on AUM – and most people do not consider PB a traditional buy-side role. They all raise money from Limited Partners (LPs), such as pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowments, and insurers, and invest in companies and securities.

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The job of a sell-side analyst is to vet different stocks or other assets and sell them to the buy side. In that sense, sell-siders are an essential part of the marketing of different securities. First and foremost, SoFi Learn strives to be a beneficial resource to you as you navigate your financial journey.We develop content that covers a variety of financial topics.

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Venture Capitalists (VC’s) provide funding to back new companies to help them prove out their business idea. In a typical deal, a VC takes a small (or ‘Minority‘) ownership stake which typically ranges from 10-25% of the company. Within a bank, the Investment Banking division typically offers advisory services for Mergers & Acquisitions and Restructuring; and with the support of Capital Market teams, helps companies raise Debt and Equity capital.

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The short story here is that when large Long-Only or Long/Short Investors want to buy or sell, they work with the Sales and Trading division to execute their transactions. Most banks also have a Sales & Trading division that executes the purchase and sale of securities for their clients in the Equity (aka Stock) market as well as the Debt (aka Credit) market. Finally, Investment Banks offer advice to Buyside investors through their Research divisions to help Buyside investors in their investment decision-making process. As a whole, Investment Banks ‘sell’ all of these services and as a result are called the ‘Sell’-side. While buy-side investors are required to disclose their holdings in a 13F, this information is only available quarterly.

Difference between Buy-Side and Sell-Side Analysts

The sell-side of Wall Street includes investment bankers, who serve as intermediaries between issuers of securities and the investing public, and the market makers who provide liquidity in the public market. Investment bankers and corporate finance advisors play the same role for private issues of debt and equity. The job responsibilities of sell-side analysts involve analyzing companies and industries to identify investment opportunities for their clients.

buy-side vs sell-side

These businesses collect money from investors and invest it on behalf of clients from sell-side entities and aim to generate a return. For information pertaining to the registration status of 11 Financial, please contact the state securities regulators for those states in which 11 Financial maintains a registration filing. BlackRock is the largest investment manager in the world, with $8.7 trillion under management. Because BlackRock’s business model consists largely of investing on behalf of its clients, it is considered a buy-side firm.

This whisper number becomes the newest, although unwritten, consensus expectation. The theme, context, and subject of messages, stories, cases, and testimonials on this website are factual, while the supporting images/ graphics, etc., have been used only for effect, with due permissions, if required. If you already know what you want to do and have no interest in keeping your options open, “Public Markets” roles are fine if you can win a good offer at a reputable firm. The Deals vs. Public Markets vs. Support distinction makes little difference in this category other than the fact that “Support” roles tend to pay much less because they’re not directly linked to revenue generated. By contrast, much of the work in sell-side roles consists of following management or consensus estimates and making your model match up.

The buy-side activity takes place in many settings not limited to the financial institutions mentioned above. The sell-side in the financial industry refers to the party in charge of designing and selling financial products, assisting companies in going public and issuing bonds, and other intermediary activities, such as investment banks. The job responsibilities of buy-side analysts involve conducting extensive research to identify investment opportunities. They analyze companies and their financial statements to determine their valuation and growth potential.

buy-side vs sell-side

That last one is getting trickier as buy-side firms continue to tighten their research budgets. Sell-side research augments existing capabilities by providing deeper coverage of companies, industries, and evolving trends and topics. Companies can use their existing shares as assets rather than raise capital to finance the deal. While buy-  and sell-side research serve different purposes and target audiences, they play an important role in supporting one another. Buy-side research, for instance, is produced for internal use and informs a firm’s investment decisions. These decisions will in turn influence the market landscape and analyses that sell-side analysts conduct.

Their clients are typically individual investors who have a shorter investment horizon and are looking for investment opportunities that will generate short-term returns. Buy-side analysts work for institutional investors such as mutual funds, pension funds, and hedge funds. Their primary goal is to provide investment recommendations to their clients to help them achieve their financial goals. A sell-side analyst works for a brokerage or firm that manages individual accounts and makes recommendations to the clients of the firm.

These analysts conduct research and advise the money managers within their funds. The term on the buy side in the realm of investment banking refers to the side that is dedicated to the acquisition of securities for purposes of investment. It contains a wide spectrum of participants as a group of institutional investors ranging from pension funds, mutual funds, hedge funds, and private equity funds that are involved. On the other hand, sell-side research is produced by investment banks, brokerage firms, and other financial institutions that sell investment products.

The buyer is the entity or financial institution that purchases the security. This typically includes public funds, private funds, insurance companies’ investment departments, and other entities such as asset management firms. Buy-side analysts often work closely with portfolio managers and traders to align their research with their fund’s investment strategies.

However, folks in the industry have made the terms Private Equity and PE synonymous with LBO firms. Growth Equity provides the capital that enables this growth (again ‘scaling‘ in finance-speak) to occur. In my experience, most people who work in finance can’t really explain what they do to their families. For outsiders, it’s even harder to figure out all of the different roles and moving pieces in this world. The sell-side usually relies on sales commissions based on stock and bond underwriting and service fees to assist an IPO, merger, etc. Both sell-side research institutes and buy-side financial organizations benefited from this bull market.

To illustrate the differences between buy-side and sell-side analysts, imagine the interactions between two hypothetical firms. Asset Manager A is a buy-side firm that manages a portfolio of securities on behalf of its clients. On the sell-side, Broker B provides market services, such as access to the stock exchange. The main differences between buy-side and sell-side analysts relate to the type of research they do. Buy-side analysts conduct broad research that often uses information from trusted sell-side analysts to make investment recommendations. By comparison, sell-side analysts research specific industries or sectors to generate sales of financial products.

You will be busy following companies, updating your models and analysis, reading the news, and generating new ideas constantly. All that said, the buy-side vs sell-side categories do create differences in the work and skill sets. With other topics – such as “target schools” or “elite boutiques” – few people use the terms in-person. Both the buy side and the sell side employ ranks of analysts that in some ways do similar work — but with different aims. Within the buy side and sell side there are different roles and dynamics at play.

We may earn a commission when you click on a link or make a purchase through the links on our site. All of our content is based on objective analysis, and the opinions are our own. Overall, the choice between buy-side and sell-side analyst roles will depend on an individual’s career goals, personal preferences, and work style. Robust models and financial estimates are less important to sell-side analysts than their buy-side colleagues. Likewise, price targets and buy/sell/hold calls are not nearly as important to sell-side analysts as often suggested.